Thursday, May 1, 2008

Yes, I'm alive!

Hey guys! I'm sorry I've been away from the last 2 months, I'm into a lot of personal problems that made me be away from trading. I'm sorry I've not been posting here, but lots of things came up into my life and I didn't have the chance.

I've received a lot of e-mails from my trading friends and, most of them were about the little TS ForexSmartS Piece of Cake. Some guys just couldn't see the importance of a MATCH of the colored MA and the Stochastic cross. Some think that stochastic is not necessary. The answer is pretty obvious, but, I'll explain: If you check the charts you'll see that not ALL the times that the MA changes collor, the market goes with it, but, 90% of times that there is a match, the market goes with it.

If you go just with the colored MA, you're not beign consistent, you're kinda killing a bird with a Machine Gun. You are as sure as Ronaldo from Milan, taking Guys as Girls! (lol) I prefer to be consistent and precise.

I'll just screen the chart now, and post, and You'll see some no-match signals(again!) and the importance of matchin':

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Blue square means: MATCH
Red square means: NO MATCH

Some will say: "If you've traded with the CMA you would've done more pips"
But only with a match you can see a REAL movement!
Both positive trades would've made you 360 pips in 4 days. More pips then most paid systems can provied you monthly. And with the sure of not having BAD trades.
Think about that than just click the DONATE button to show how thankfull you are! :D
(there is no donate button, it was a joke)

Thank you guys. Keep in touch.
C ya!

By the way, I'd like to recommend you the OzForex blog; not friend of mine, but it's very consistent trading strategy, Long-Therm-Trading as FxSmarts: